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The Noise in an Empty Room

Oftentimes we are so consumed with the world and all the commotion that we forget the importance of what life was meant to be.

The very reason we are here. We are born and grow into a life filled with Noise.

That same noise we carry with us in our minds like luggage as we venture into the unknown.

As the days pass, we collect more bags than we can carry and now we are in places where we leave things unknowingly so that we have noise in several different locations, always there sitting waiting for our return.

The Noise creates unique personality traits and within those concepts you find yourself being someone in life who isn't the person you were born to be.

The days become nights and the nights become days and the cycle continues as the noise of life increases and your band aids barely hold together what was a promising journey.

God never created us to be anything other than individuals who spoke about his greatness, people who were created in his image that appreciated the work he did and reciprocated the love in which he has given to us all.

In time we became followers of our own agendas and in the walk with self-consumption we get derailed from a path of righteousness and fall into the trap of a forbidden cycle where our time on earth is now more consumed with acceptance of our sins vice seeking redemption from them.

We look in the crowds of life on our travels for a pat on the back and justification from people who we do not know; that we are ok, and life is just fine, vice dropping to our knees and getting spiritual clarity from above.

Eventually the lies of who you are, and the stories of your journey will be told and when the story is written in stone and you stand in judgement what will you say to Christ when he asks, Child of mines who are you and what have you done with your time.

This is that awkward moment in your room when you stand before the Most High and you have every single bag you accumulated on the road to judgement, and it is now time to answer for the time you were given.

This is that moment spent alone without those voices in your head, the faces on your walk, the people who pacified your actions, this is the time in the room when the NOISE is so loud, as you play back the memory tapes of your journey.

The light is in your eyes, awkwardly you stare into the light without blinking and the question once again rings out loud in your being, Child of mines, what have you done with your time!

Patiently you ponder on his request and you assume that you have time since death isn't a personal option and life is all you know, you dig deep into the luggage and try to find the moments of a life which were great in his honor and the moments which you assume bring favor to your name, and after looking back at the luggage you amassed and need to take an account for you frantically find the moment to pray and ask for forgiveness.

Some of the bags fade away and yet the number of items that remain are too many to count.

You look in disgust at your life and think back to the choices made as you lived for the moment and God shows you in a blink the times when he gave you a chance.

He Shows you in a flash, each moment of your being. All the times he gave you the option to love him back.

With every day you arise you had the choice to simply love him back, as all He ever wanted was to have His children be a part of his eternal family.

The noise you hear in that empty space is the same noise that was inside your life every day that God attempted to reach his hand out to you.

The same noise you decided was more important to address instead of discerning. The same noise you decided was profitable, exciting, relevant, and more impactful today than your eternal tomorrow.

It is your NOISE, your Noise to Own and answer for because it was this NOISE which now must be accounted for.

Time is not on our side as we move forward in life, so I ask you, have you already addressed the NOISE in your life with God?

Have you set aside time to repent, ask for forgiveness, correct your actions?

Have you built a relationship with Christ through actions and prayer?

Have you surrendered your way of thinking and lifestyle to an all-knowing God who is there to ensure those bags are dropped off and not carried throughout a life He has designed for you to be great.

Have you allowed Him to direct your path so that you ensure the Noise you have at the end of your journey is already pre checked and validated as He says to you,


Do not allow your soul to end up speaking for a life full of Noise you collected after it is too late. Find the time to speak with Christ and ask for forgiveness, give your past faults to Him humbly and change in the areas of need, for the day is coming when we will have to account for the roads all traveled and all the NOISE in the empty room.

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